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What were they using? PBA World Championships(Post)

Jason Belmonte - Storm Axiom, Storm Black Team Storm, Dexter SST 6 Hybrid BOA Bowling Shoes, Vise Inserts, Storm ShammyEJ Tacket - Motiv Jackal Ghost, Motiv Forge Fire, ...

What were they using? PBA Clash(Post)

The inaugural show on Fox showed new innovations and better overall production. Fox did a great job showing the players the character and personality of the players thus helping the public get t ...

Storm Announces Physix and Hy-Road X(Post)

Storm has announced there next two releases the Physix and Hy-Road X. The Physix is the next in the Premier line. It features a new core and hybrid cover. The HY-Road X is the nex ...

Tommy Jones Finishes off Amazing Hall of Fame Weekend(Post)

Saturday night Tommy Jones was inducted into the PBA HOF and then Sunday he took home the PBA HOF Classic with a 300 game in the title match against tournament leader Darren Tang.Tommy used a Br ...

Day One at the US OPEN(Post)

JANUARY 31, 2023 - Day 1 at the US Open in Indianapolis this year was very crazy. Trying to deal with the excitement, the freezing weather, nerves of the fresh start of a new year along with trying t ...

Day 4/5 at the US Open(Post)

February 3, 2023 -Friday was the first day of match play and it was moving day at the US Open and I unfortunately found a way to run in place. We started the day with an 8am practice on Pattern 4, wh ...

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